Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Wedding Of Tiffany and Scott

With all of the chaos that happens in preparation for a wedding, we never had a chance to meet Tiffany and Scott before hand. However, as soon as we walked in, there was a feeling of utter Joy within their home. The whole day was filled with romance and wonder. The ceremony took place at Tiffany's parents home and the reception was at an amazing vineyard. Around every corner there was beauty. We also had the privilege of working with and amazing photographer, Justin, of Justin Lee Photography he has such an eye and really a wonderful photographer to work with. It was such a pleasure capturing their wedding. You will see why in their trailer.

Much love,
Jennifer Mae and Chris Watters
Major Diamond Productions

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Randy and Jordan wedding trailer

Filming Randy and Jordan's wedding was such a treat. Their love is like that of a fairy tale. Jordan and Randy were both extremely kind and gentle and you can clearly see why they love one another so much. One couldn't have asked for a more perfect day. We hope you enjoy their trailer.


Jordan and bridesmaids



Jordan mom and dad





more ceremony

yellow flowers


Much love
Jennifer Mae and Chris Watters